Need For Speed Most Wanted [RIP] 353Mb
Langsung aja dicek..........
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP or 2000
CPU: 1.4 GHz or faster
RAM: 256 MB or more
Disc Drive: 8x or faster CD/DVD drive
Hard Drive: 3 GB or more free space
Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see right)
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Input: Keyboard, mouse, or USB Steering Wheel/Gamepad
Video card with 32 MB or more memory and one of these chipsets is required: ATI Radeon 7500 or greater; ATI Radeon Xpress 200; NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/GTS or greater; Intel 950/i915g; S3 GammaChrome S18 Pro
Multiplayer requires 1 set of discs per PC and a broadband (Cable, DSL, or faster) connection.
Internet or LAN (2-4 players)
NB: Untuk windows 7 atau windows 8 silahkan dicoba sendiri...
Gabungkan file menggunakan HJ SPLIT, jika terjadi corrupt, coba gabungkan pake File splitter n joiner.
Untuk download bisa didownload di link blog atau tepatnya di link ini....
atau juga bisa dicari di google, ada banyak..!!!
jika link diatas udah experied, bisa pakai link ini....
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